✍Shake hands to exclude myotonia (note slow release of grip)
✍ Observe
☝ Face for asymmetry
☝ Brow for overactive forntalis
☝ Globes for position and asymmetry
☝ Lids for position,asymmetry or scars
☝ Pupils anisocoria or heterochromia
✍ measure palpebral aperture
✍ measure upper margin reflex distance
✍ measure position of upper lid crease
✍ measure levator function
☝ Inhibit frontalis by placing a thumb on the brow
✍ measure any lagophthalmos
☝ Ask patient to close eyes, gently at first, and then to squeeze eyes shut
✍ Assess orbicularis function and Bell’s phenomenon
☝ Try to open patient’s eyes against resistance
✍ Assess fatiguability over 1 min for worsening of ptosis
☝Ask patient to keep looking upward at a target held superiorly
✍ examine for Cogan’s twitch Any overshoot
☝ Ask patient to look rapidly from downgaze to a target held in 1ry position
✍ Assess for jaw-winking For any change in ptosis
☝ Ask patient to simulate chewing and to move jaw from side to side
☝ Slitlamp examination of lid and subtarsal
conjunctiva for Inflammation,masses or scars
☝ Check corneal sensation and Bell’s phenomena (very Prognostic for any lid surgery)
✍ examine ocular motility for
☝motility abnormality in 9 cardinal positions
☝ change in ptosis with ocular motility
✍ examine pupils for
☝Anisocoria (in response to light and near)
☝ reactivity
☝ iris heterochromia
✍ Consider ice-pack test for suspected MG
✍ full cranial nerves assessment
☝ ( 2nd , 3rd ,4th ,5th ,6th and 7th )
✍ examination of fundus
✍ systemic review (myopathy, fatiguability).
✍ exclude pseudoptosis
☝Excessive skin ( dermato- or blepharochalasis )
☝ Inadequate globe size( micropthalmos,phthisis)
☝ Incorrect globe position( hypo or hypertopia )
☝ Brow ptosis
☝ Contralateral lid retraction
☝ Contralateral large globe
Ptosis Management
✍ Depends upon degree of ptosis and residual Levator function and the cause of ptosis
☝ Mulletectomy
☝Levator resection
☝Levator advancement
☝frontalis sling
Ptosis Normal lid measurements gift
✍ Palpebral aperture
☝ 8–11 mm (♀ > ♂)
✍ Upper margin reflex distance
☝ 4–5 mm
✍ Upper lid excursion (levator function)
☝ 13–16 mm
✍ Upper lid crease position
☝ 8-10 mm from margin (♀ > ♂)
DD of acute dangerous ptosis
✍ Horner
✍ 3rd cranial palsy ( partial or complete)
✍ MG
✍ periorbital infection or malignancy