Corneal signs aids to diagnosis capsule
✍️ epithelial signs ✍️ stromal signs ✍️ endothelial signs Epithelial signs ✍️ Punctate epithelial erosions ☝️ Multiple fine areas of epithelial loss ☝️ stain well with...
✍️ epithelial signs ✍️ stromal signs ✍️ endothelial signs Epithelial signs ✍️ Punctate epithelial erosions ☝️ Multiple fine areas of epithelial loss ☝️ stain well with...
✍️ Posterior segment evaluation with OCT allows visualization of the vitreous, retinal layers, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the choroidal layers....
✍️ improved aqueous drainage is achieved surgically without penetrating into the AC at the time of initial surgery. ✍️ Controversy continues regarding ☝️ long-term...
✍️ Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite ✍️ infect almost up to 50% of the world’s population. ✍️ lifetime risk of ocular...
✍️ sporadic disorder of the outer blood retinal barrier ✍️ localized detachment of sensory retina at the macula secondary to focal RPE defect...
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© 2020 نظارتى.كوم - نظارتي دوت كوم هو أكبر تجمع طبي وتعليمي لأطباء طب وجراحة العيون وأخصائي البصريات ومرضى العيون.